通知类型 |
招标公告 |
投标类型 |
其他 |
公告号 |
104747557 |
最后期限 |
2025-04-13 |
描述 |
招标类型:公开招标 (Open)
招标内容:生物天然气加气站设备供应 (Biokaasun jakeluaseman laitteistotoimitus)
招标地点:33680 坦佩雷 (Tampere)
招标数量:1 个加气站设备供应项目 (1 lot)
是否允许提交多个投标:允许 (Tenderers may submit more than one tender: Allowed)
是否允许提交变体:不允许 (Variants: Not allowed)
投标截止日期:2025年4月13日 13:00:00 (UTC)
招标文件获取方式:可从 https://tarjouspalvelu.fi/pjhoy?id=549195&tpk=b21a33d6-9fc6-40f4-abca-cfb1eb178b02 获取,提供芬兰语版本 (Languages in which the procurement documents are officially available: Finnish)
招标语言:芬兰语 (Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: Finnish)
招标方式:电子提交 (Electronic submission: Required)
评审标准:最低价格 (The cheapest price, when the offer meets the quality requirements set out in the procurement documents)
是否需要电子发票:允许 (Electronic invoicing: Allowed)
是否使用电子订单:是 (Electronic ordering will be used: yes)
是否使用电子支付:是 (Electronic payment will be used: yes)
是否受欧盟资金资助:否 (Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds.)
是否适用政府采购协议 (GPA):是 (The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): yes)
是否适合中小企业 (SMEs):是 (This procurement is also suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): yes)