Report-Jan 3,For the first time since 2016, Belgium produced less renewable energy in 2024 compared to the previous year. De Tijd and L'Echo reported this on Thursday based on statistics from the European grid federation, Entso-e.
Total electricity production fell to its lowest level in six years, driven by declining nuclear output and minimal operation of gas-fired power stations. Of the 81 terawatt hours (TWh) consumed in 2024, 88 per cent came from domestic production, down from 98 per cent in 2023. The remaining 12 per cent was imported.
Nuclear power, still the largest source of electricity in Belgium, accounted for 42 per cent of production in 2024, continuing its year-over-year decline. Wind energy generation dropped by 11 per cent compared to 2023 due to high rainfall but low wind conditions, while solar energy reached a record high, contributing 12 per cent of production.
Gas-fired power plants produced at their lowest levels in a decade as importing electricity from France and the Netherlands proved more cost-effective.
Belgium’s Nuclear Energy / Belgium’s Wind Energy / Belgium’s Solar Energy