Report-Feb 21, A coalition of biofuel, agriculture, fuel retailer and petroleum trade groups on Feb. 19 sent a letter to U.S. EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin urging the agency to set robust, timely, multiyear Renewable Fuel Standard renewable volume obligations (RVOs) for 2026 and beyond.
“Since the enactment of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), our nation has benefited from increased energy security, an enhanced agricultural industry, and lower carbon fuel options,” the groups wrote. “As the EPA begins work on policies that promote American energy and renewable fuels, we encourage the EPA to consider robust future renewable fuel volumes for 2026 and beyond. We believe strong, steady volumes for conventional biofuel targets, biomass-based diesel, and advanced fuels would more accurately reflect the availability and ongoing investments in feedstocks and production capacity.
“Additionally, it would reflect the increased demand in new markets, such as marine, rail and aviation,” they continued. “Our industries will work to continue providing liquid fuels with the significant renewable fuel volumes that our country needs to fuel American growth. Additionally, we urge EPA to release multi-year standards for the RFS. Setting multi-year standards helps provide more certainty for obligated parties, renewable fuel producers, and other market participants. This certainty is critical for business planning and compliance, as well as longer term stability to promote capital investment.
The letter is signed by the Advanced Biofuels Association, American Farm Bureau Federation, American Petroleum Institute, American Soybean Association, Clean Fuels Alliance America, Growth Energy, National Association of Convenience Stores, National Association of Truck Stop Owners, National Oilseed Processors Association, Renewable Fuels Association, and SIGMA: America’s Leading Fuel Marketers.