Morknasskogen wind farm in Finland. Report-Feb 7, UK-based renewables investor and developer Low Carbon said today it has trimmed the turbine number for its High Brenfield wind farm project in Scotland, lowering its proposed capacity to 66 MW.
The project will consist of 10 turbines with a maximum tip height of 200 metres (656.2 feet) in what the developer calls a “Design Freeze” version. The original plan called for the installation of 14 machines totalling 92.4 MW.
Low Carbon explained that the removal of the four turbines was made to take into account feedback from two rounds of public consultations. “We have worked closely with our multi-discipline EIA team to refine the wind farm layout in order to address the specific concerns raised during the pre-application consultation process,” it said.
In addition to the reduced turbine count, Low Carbon has increased the distance between the proposed turbine location and residential properties to lower potential residential visual amenity and noise effects.
The High Brenfield wind park will be built southwest of Ardrishaig, near Lochgilphead in Argyll and Bute. The plan for it will not include a battery energy storage system (BESS) component and will be submitted for approval by the Scottish government’s Energy Consents Unit (ECU).