Report-Mar 7, Australia has approved three renewable energy projects in New South Wales with a total capacity of over 2,400 megawatts (MW).
In a statement, the government said the projects given the go signal were the 1,332 MW Liverpool Range Wind Farm near Coolah, within the Central West Orana Renewable Energy Zone; the 700 MW Spicers Creek Wind Farm Project near Gulgong, also within the Central West Orana Renewable Energy Zone; and the 372 MW Hills of Gold Wind Farm near Nundle
These three projects will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 6.5 million tonnes, equivalent to taking more than 2 million passenger cars off the road annually.
The government has now approved a record 77 renewable energy projects – equivalent to powering over 10 million homes. This is the most renewable energy any government has ticked off in Australian history.