The generator's stator and rotor, end cap bearings, and exciter are installed as a single unit at the factory, with only the cooler shipped separately. No rotor centering is needed on-site, and it is priced lower than the seated bearing type. The air cooler is installed directly above the generator. Its weight and price fall between those of the other two types.
The generator's stator and rotor, end cap bearings, and exciter are installed as a single unit at the factory, with only the cooler shipped separately. No rotor centering is needed on-site, and it is priced lower than the seated bearing type. The air cooler is installed directly above the generator. Its weight and price fall between those of the other two types.
Rated Speed: 1500 rpm
Output Power: 3-50 MW
Voltage Levels: 3.3 kV, 6.6 kV, 10.5 kV, 11 kV, 13.8 kV
Power Factor: 0.8
Protection Level: IP54