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diesel oil tank pump

  • 2024-04-12
  • Finland
  • features: - integrated unit for layout flexibility - smooth operation of open sump and vertical inlet which prevents air locking - cantilever design without submerged bearings or shaft seals - bearing assembly with double......features: - integrated unit for layout flexibility - smooth operation of open sump and vertical inlet which prevents air locking - cantilever design without submerged bearings or shaft seals - bearing assembly with double protection sealing arrangement to prevent ingress of slurry - wear parts are available in a variety of different materials and are fully interchangeable - simplified maintenance features
features: - integrated unit for layout flexibility - smooth operation of open sump and vertical inlet which prevents air locking - cantilever design without submerged bearings or shaft seals - bearing assembly with double......features: - integrated unit for layout flexibility - smooth operation of open sump and vertical inlet which prevents air locking - cantilever design without submerged bearings or shaft seals - bearing assembly with double protection sealing arrangement to prevent ingress of slurry - wear parts are available in a variety of different materials and are fully interchangeable - simplified maintenance features
Metso minerals
  • Tulppatie 1 00880 Helsinki P.O.Box 310 FIN-00811 Helsinki Finland
  • Finland
  • +35820483150
  • Fax+35820483151    info.automation@metso.com
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