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Dynamic Gripper Feed

  • 2024-04-11
  • America
  • he DX model feeds combine Dynamics feed gripping system, a rotating linear ball screw and an AC brushless servo drive motor to deliver superior performance. This powerful combination enables the Dynamic DX Gripper Feed ......he DX model feeds combine Dynamics feed gripping system, a rotating linear ball screw and an AC brushless servo drive motor to deliver superior performance. This powerful combination enables the Dynamic DX Gripper Feed to deliver up to three times the pulling force of any comparable size servo feed and provide more torque and gripping power than conventional roll type feeds. Low inertia and optimum gear ratio is inherent through the mechanical advantage of the linear ball screw which allows the feed to operate at high speeds without the use of gears, pulleys, belts, or chains.
he DX model feeds combine Dynamics feed gripping system, a rotating linear ball screw and an AC brushless servo drive motor to deliver superior performance. This powerful combination enables the Dynamic DX Gripper Feed ......he DX model feeds combine Dynamics feed gripping system, a rotating linear ball screw and an AC brushless servo drive motor to deliver superior performance. This powerful combination enables the Dynamic DX Gripper Feed to deliver up to three times the pulling force of any comparable size servo feed and provide more torque and gripping power than conventional roll type feeds. Low inertia and optimum gear ratio is inherent through the mechanical advantage of the linear ball screw which allows the feed to operate at high speeds without the use of gears, pulleys, belts, or chains.
  • The Minster Machine Company Corporate Headquarters Minster, Ohio 240 West Fifth Street P.O. Box 120 Minster, Ohio 45865-0120
  • America
  • 419-628-2331
  • 419-628-3517
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