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resistance welding machine

  • 2024-04-11
  • Germany
  • b 5000 flexible welding system for complex applications the technically excellent welding system b 5000 with up-to-date power electronics allows variable welding frequencies from 1000 hz to 5000 hz in steps of 500 hz. the......b 5000 flexible welding system for complex applications the technically excellent welding system b 5000 with up-to-date power electronics allows variable welding frequencies from 1000 hz to 5000 hz in steps of 500 hz. the appropriate frequency depends on the prevailing application. higher frequencies e.g. in case of micro contact welding, guarantee a more sensitive and thus optimum adaption of the welding time to the welding process. the system consists of a control cabinet with integrated computer with operation and visualization and an intelligent inverter control with calculator modul. the welding transformator disposes of an integrated measuring box and an improved rectifier configuration executed for optimum cooling. the measured process parameters are trans
b 5000 flexible welding system for complex applications the technically excellent welding system b 5000 with up-to-date power electronics allows variable welding frequencies from 1000 hz to 5000 hz in steps of 500 hz. the......b 5000 flexible welding system for complex applications the technically excellent welding system b 5000 with up-to-date power electronics allows variable welding frequencies from 1000 hz to 5000 hz in steps of 500 hz. the appropriate frequency depends on the prevailing application. higher frequencies e.g. in case of micro contact welding, guarantee a more sensitive and thus optimum adaption of the welding time to the welding process. the system consists of a control cabinet with integrated computer with operation and visualization and an intelligent inverter control with calculator modul. the welding transformator disposes of an integrated measuring box and an improved rectifier configuration executed for optimum cooling. the measured process parameters are transmitted from the transformator to the intelligent inverter control via fibre optic cables. with only two versions capacities of up to 130 kva resp. up to 300 kva can be realized. for every welding point nc drives can be integrated and parameterized in order to motorically control the bihler welding grippers. the newly developped cooling units meet the higher requirements of this welding system.
  • Lechbrucker Straße 15 D-87642 Halblech GERMANY
  • Germany
  • +49(0)8368-18224
  • +49(0)172-6381050
  • +49(0)8368-18146    christian.ginther@bihler.de
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