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J442D Stainless Steel for Automotive Trim


  • High-purity, low-carbon, low-nitrogen ferritic stainless steel
  • High surface quality, BA (Bright Annealed) finish
  • Excellent corrosion resistance
  • Superior cold formability with low surface roughness
  • Best produced on a dedicated line to facilitate quality control

As of the end of June 2022, a total of 3,500 tons of J442D stainless steel for automotive trim had been produced by Jiuquan Steel. This material is primarily used in exterior and interior trim for mid- to high-end passenger and commercial vehicles. The product has been certified on-site by Nissan Global and Dongfeng Motor and is being mass-produced by China's largest automotive trim manufacturer, the Minth Group.

On April 26, 2021, Jiuquan Steel's Stainless Steel Company signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Minth Group, China's largest automotive trim manufacturer, and Ningbo Shilifo Technology Materials Co., Ltd., a specialized BA sheet production company. The agreement aims to jointly promote the mass production, specialization, and widespread application of this high-end product in the domestic automotive trim industry.

Tianjin Jiugang Botai Steel Industry Co., Ltd.
  • Floor 3-1/4 /A401, Huanghe Datong Building, Nankai District
  • China
  • 18693758898
  • 278067786@qq.com
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