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US96-EN Compact 2 Pushbutton

  • 2024-04-13
  • Key features 15mm high tactile legend with Braille Legend and halo illumination Vandal resistant EN81-71 cat 2 Large range of pressel legends High contrast ratio between pressel and legend Standard pressels are a black pl......Key features 15mm high tactile legend with Braille Legend and halo illumination Vandal resistant EN81-71 cat 2 Large range of pressel legends High contrast ratio between pressel and legend Standard pressels are a black plate moulded with grey polycarbonate
Key features 15mm high tactile legend with Braille Legend and halo illumination Vandal resistant EN81-71 cat 2 Large range of pressel legends High contrast ratio between pressel and legend Standard pressels are a black pl......Key features 15mm high tactile legend with Braille Legend and halo illumination Vandal resistant EN81-71 cat 2 Large range of pressel legends High contrast ratio between pressel and legend Standard pressels are a black plate moulded with grey polycarbonate
  • Inverness Road Hounslow TW3 3LT UK
  • t02086077300
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