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Stainless steel J347H for molten salt storage tank

J347H has better resistance to spot corrosion, uniform corrosion and intergranular corrosion than J347H.

J347h has lower corrosion rate than similar foreign products in 600℃/120h nitric acid molten salt, and has good corrosion resistance to molten salt

J347h has good room temperature performance, impact toughness, especially J347H products in the above properties to meet the performance of foreign products.

The high temperature performance of J347H at 593℃ reaches the performance index of foreign products.

Tianjin Jiugang Botai Steel Industry Co., Ltd.
  • Floor 3-1/4 /A401, Huanghe Datong Building, Nankai District
  • China
  • 18693758898
  • 278067786@qq.com
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