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Three-phase Smart Gateway Terminal - DTZM341-Z/D, DHZM333-Z/D

Application Field

Suitable for small and medium-sized users, as well as commercial and industrial users, implementing multi-tariff systems.

Main Functions

Metering Function: Capable of storing and displaying data for forward active energy, reverse active energy, and four-quadrant reactive energy.

Freeze Function: Features a variety of freeze functions, such as scheduled freeze, instantaneous freeze, timed freeze, daily freeze, and hourly freeze.

Measurement Function: Measures grid operating parameters including voltage, current, power, power factor, and frequency.

Event Recording: Features comprehensive event recording capabilities, such as programming, time calibration, trip and close operations, etc.

Load Curve: Can store seven types of data with a time interval of 15 minutes for no less than 365 days.

Minute Freeze: Utilizes independent memory to store minute-level energy data for up to one year.

Communication Function: Supports multiple communication methods, including Bluetooth, RS485, carrier, and low-power wireless.  

Active Reporting: Monitors real-time status and supports active reporting during power outages.

Harmonic Measurement: Capable of measuring harmonics from the 2nd to the 41st order.

Terminal Temperature Measurement: The direct-connected three-phase smart electricity meter is equipped with temperature monitoring functionality for phase and neutral terminal connections.

Load Classification Monitoring (Optional): Supports classification monitoring of electrical loads greater than 100W.

Error Self-Monitoring: The direct-connected three-phase smart electricity meter features self-monitoring of errors, with the absolute deviation between self-monitored errors and actual measured errors not exceeding 0.01.

 Wasion Group Limited Co., Ltd.
  • Wasion Technology Park, No. 468, Tongzipo West Road, High-Tech Development Zone, Changsha City, Hunan Province
  • China
  • +86 0731-88619888
  • mx.6969@163.com
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