the alternatives to foreign shipments: ancali or palletts of cardboard benches cardboard waved produced in the dimensions of mm.600x400 for a capacity of kg.200 and milimeter 600x800 for one capacity of kg.400 and in othe......the alternatives to foreign shipments: ancali or palletts of cardboard benches cardboard waved produced in the dimensions of mm.600x400 for a capacity of kg.200 and milimeter 600x800 for one capacity of kg.400 and in other measures and capacities upon request. our benches have been subordinates to laboratory tests that have demonstrated a resistor to the jam, for the bench of 600x800, beyond 2000 kg. (b.c.t.) and of absorption water of cobb 30 gr/mq 250 realized in cardboard completely waved they are therefore completely riciclabili. they do not demand treatments for export light but with good capacity. the bread-board standard eur 1200x800 has been tried with cargo of 800 kg apt for the export in countries where the shipment on pallets of wood is prohibited: it does not demand phytosanitary treatments of fumigation or certificates tested till 1000 kg. of impilamento they works, poured them, economic to 4 ways, therefore apt also for pallet trucks reduced weight: only kg. 4,5 against kg. 20 of a traditional bench. it is possible to use the bench in coupling to enclosures 80 x 120 of base. the benches or pallets in cardboard can also be realized by means of travotti adesivizzati componibili, concurring adaptability with any your format. we make also solutions assiemate with cardboard honeycomb for large amounts. these all the obvious advantages for the benches or palletts of cardboard from produced we.