DONAUMERIC 440 The DONAUMERIC 440... Setting standards and saving costs Designed to be used for one-off and small series production, the DONAUMERIC 440 is setting standards of drilling technology and economical production......DONAUMERIC 440 The DONAUMERIC 440... Setting standards and saving costs Designed to be used for one-off and small series production, the DONAUMERIC 440 is setting standards of drilling technology and economical production. Savings of up to 75 % of costly set-up and non-productive times make the DONAUMERIC 440 an investment that’s paying itself. For drilling work there is hardly another solution at hand that would be more intelligent and flexible than the CNC-controlled Rapid Radial Drill of DONAU. With a DONAUMERIC 440, marking out, centre punching and time-consuming aligning of workpieces are history. The combined advantages of a rapid radial drilling machine and an efficient CNC control deliver cost savings and are helpful in avoiding manual errors. Intelligent Controls The workpiece to be machined must be approached and touched manually with a tracer pin. There is no need to align a workpiece. It can be clamped in any convenient position. The controls with the new colour monitor will calculate automatically: Zero point and angular position of rectangular workpieces Centre datum of round workpieces Centre datum of rough parts (mid-point of flame-cut parts and castings) Programming in a few seconds: Well designed Technology- und Tooldatabase: The DONAUMERIC 440 suits every size of order. Up to 500 tools and a total of 10 material groups can be stored in a technology and tool data base, ready to be called up whenever needed. The DONAUMERIC 440 suggests tools and calculates feeds and speeds. In addition, “Softkeys” generate hole patterns such as e.g. rows of holes, hole circles and matrices. Lest anything gets out of control, the operator can check all data and co-ordinates on coloured test graphics. DONAUMERIC 440 advantages No marking out and center punching 4 CNC axes Unrestricted manual operations Machining on 3 work tables around the machine No aligning of workpieces Also suitable for bulky work Full accessibility from all sides Simple programming, no prior CNC knowledge required