The structure is divided into integrated and split types based on power size. For powers ranging from 200 to 1200 KW, the integrated structure is commonly used, operating under vacuum (negative pressure). For powers ranging from 1500 to 4000 KW, the split structure is often used, with operation pressures in either vacuum (negative pressure) or slight pressure modes.
Product Features:
①The structure is divided into integrated and split types based on power size. For powers ranging from 200 to 1200 KW, the integrated structure is commonly used, operating under vacuum (negative pressure). For powers ranging from 1500 to 4000 KW, the split structure is often used, with operation pressures in either vacuum (negative pressure) or slight pressure modes.
②The vacuum heating furnace utilizes heat exchange between the heated coils and steam. With efficient heat exchange, it has a higher heat transfer efficiency compared to water-jacket furnaces and is more favored by users.
③The vacuum phase-change heating furnace has shown good performance in the field. It is crucial to ensure proper vacuum level initially to avoid any impact on the coil heating effect. During inspections, the vacuum gauge value should be regularly checked to monitor whether there are any air leaks or suction issues in the furnace.