This new machine is the result of all the systems developed singularly and that Warcom decided to put together having in mind to offer a total integrated solution to its customers. Warcom (originally known as Romea) has b......This new machine is the result of all the systems developed singularly and that Warcom decided to put together having in mind to offer a total integrated solution to its customers. Warcom (originally known as Romea) has been producing exclusively press brakes and shears for almost 50 years and the experience developed lead to the results of today that gives undisputed benefits to its endusers. The cohesion of the single components such as the hydraulic crowning system, frame deflection compensation, the angle control and the laser safety system has allowed in fact to reduce the human factor as well as scraps (caused in large quantities on the conventional machines). Machine settings have also improved thanks also to the new pneumatic clamping systems, thus gaining production time which nowadays is another important choosing factor for a customer