x5 solid punching technology by finn-power finn-power x series machines are the affordable way to have a real finn-power. the background of finn-powers new x5 turret punch press is pioneering experience in hydraulic punc......x5 solid punching technology by finn-power finn-power x series machines are the affordable way to have a real finn-power. the background of finn-powers new x5 turret punch press is pioneering experience in hydraulic punching since 1983. featuring modern industrial design, it continues our modular engineering tradition, where the basic package is already full of features and some options can be equipped now or later through retrofits. reliable and productive punching capacity the x5 is compact and easy to install. its rigid o frame ensures optimum tool alignment when nibbling or punching with high force. the hydraulic punch stroke is digitally controlled. it allows different punch modes, stepless punch speed and position programming.working area is 1,250 mm x 2,500 mm without repositioning. the turret has a total of 20 tool stations. seventeen (17) tool holders have been specified, and three (3) are free for customer selection. index or multi-tools can be chosen. the turret has 29 tools as standard, and the number can be expanded by adding multi-tool stations. nibbling speeds up to 600 hpm are available index rotation speed is 133 rpm max. maximum sheet thickness is 8 mm and sheet weight 200 kg. two sheet clamps with central locking are standard. the machine tables are equipped with brush top. sheet loading is easy due to two optimally placed gauge pins and a moving table which can be locked to five different positions. the precision of the x5 meets finn-powers stringent lkp 7100 factory standard. these features make the finn-power x5 a safe and highly productive machine tool for flexible sheet metal working.