bonfanti produces a range of standardized crane components (named "crane kit") intended for those who want to assemble and complete their own bridge crane. a complete crane kit is composed by all the crane accessories unl......bonfanti produces a range of standardized crane components (named "crane kit") intended for those who want to assemble and complete their own bridge crane. a complete crane kit is composed by all the crane accessories unless the main beams. the main kit components are: 1) winch trolley or hoist trolley complete of: - electrical rope winch or electrical rope hoist - translation machanism complete of own motorgears - electrical power box - safety hoisting and translation end-switches - complete electrical wiring of all the equipments installed on the trolley 2) end-carriages complete of mechanisms and own motorgears 3) coupling plates between end-carriages and crane girders 4) electrical power box 5) cables festoon for the connection of the electrical equipments of the crane trolley with the main electrical power box. the cables festoon are supplied with a length right to the crane span. 6) pendant pushbutton (already connected with its electrical cable) and/or remote control 7) safety crane end-switches (they are already connected with their specific electrical cables) 8) accessories (for end-switches, safety and obbligatory signals, beeper, etc) the kits are supplied also not completed it means that is possible buy only some of the components above described. the kit is customized in function of the main requirements of the crane: - crane span - hook path - service typology - operative environment