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internal cylindrical grinding machine

  • 2024-04-12
  • Japan
  • a single-chucking horizontal grinding machine designed to streamline the grinding process. with the ability to attach multiple grinding spindles (from 2 to 4 spindles), this machine can perform continuous automatic grindi......a single-chucking horizontal grinding machine designed to streamline the grinding process. with the ability to attach multiple grinding spindles (from 2 to 4 spindles), this machine can perform continuous automatic grinding of inner and outer diameters, faces and tapers, ensuring maximum efficiency.
a single-chucking horizontal grinding machine designed to streamline the grinding process. with the ability to attach multiple grinding spindles (from 2 to 4 spindles), this machine can perform continuous automatic grindi......a single-chucking horizontal grinding machine designed to streamline the grinding process. with the ability to attach multiple grinding spindles (from 2 to 4 spindles), this machine can perform continuous automatic grinding of inner and outer diameters, faces and tapers, ensuring maximum efficiency.
  • 221-35, Seiryo-machi, Nagaoka City, Niigata Japan 940-2045
  • Japan
  • +81-258-42-8808
  • Facsimile+81-258-42-8810
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