As a leading specialist for power transmission and a solid, competent partner of customers all over the world, Voith Turbo is synonymous with fairness, innovative power and reliability in a wide variety of applications. W......As a leading specialist for power transmission and a solid, competent partner of customers all over the world, Voith Turbo is synonymous with fairness, innovative power and reliability in a wide variety of applications. We work enthusiastically at the development of state-of-the art drive and braking systems for industry, rail, road and marine: mechanical, hydrodynamic, electrical and electronic solutions that drive machines effi-ciently, move vehicles comfortably, save energy and reduce emissions. Decades of experience with power transmission systems, our broad service spectrum, our professionalism and the entire know-how of our Group of Companies flow into products and systems solutions that are focused on economy, reliability and eco-friendliness – innovations that widen the limits of what is technically feasible and offer maximum benefit to our custo-mers.