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  • Georg Maschinentechnik manufactures special purpose machines and is an automation specialist. Customer satisfaction and 40 years of experience form the basis of our success. Motivated and qualified employees develop and m......Georg Maschinentechnik manufactures special purpose machines and is an automation specialist. Customer satisfaction and 40 years of experience form the basis of our success. Motivated and qualified employees develop and manufacture hydraulic and mechanical presses for the, forging, mechanical engineering, plastic processing and automotive industry and their subcontractor
  • 2024-03-27
Georg Maschinentechnik manufactures special purpose machines and is an automation specialist. Customer satisfaction and 40 years of experience form the basis of our success. Motivated and qualified employees develop and m......Georg Maschinentechnik manufactures special purpose machines and is an automation specialist. Customer satisfaction and 40 years of experience form the basis of our success. Motivated and qualified employees develop and manufacture hydraulic and mechanical presses for the, forging, mechanical engineering, plastic processing and automotive industry and their subcontractors, as well as automation lines for the latter. Customized development and application of technical software are likewise part of the capacities of Georg Maschinentechnik, as well as competent service. Individual solutions are our strength and guarantee product and cost advantages for our customers. By many years of experience and worldwide operation Georg Maschinentechnik offers competent solutions for many areas of application.
Contact us
  • Rheinstr. 18 57638 Neitersen Germany
  • Germany
  • Fon+49(0)2681804-0