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  • Dewhurst plc is an independent supplier of quality components to the lift, keypad and rail industries. The company was founded in 1919 and the Dewhurst Group now has sales of around US $50 million and employs over 300 peo......Dewhurst plc is an independent supplier of quality components to the lift, keypad and rail industries. The company was founded in 1919 and the Dewhurst Group now has sales of around US $50 million and employs over 300 people in locations around the world. Dewhurst is probably best known for its range of high quality pushbutton products (often sold under the Dupar brand).
  • 2024-03-27
Dewhurst plc is an independent supplier of quality components to the lift, keypad and rail industries. The company was founded in 1919 and the Dewhurst Group now has sales of around US $50 million and employs over 300 peo......Dewhurst plc is an independent supplier of quality components to the lift, keypad and rail industries. The company was founded in 1919 and the Dewhurst Group now has sales of around US $50 million and employs over 300 people in locations around the world. Dewhurst is probably best known for its range of high quality pushbutton products (often sold under the Dupar brand). Although we have been making pushbuttons for a long time, a breakthrough was made in 1971 with the launch of the US81 Original Pushbutton. This really was a unique design, which began a styling of chrome surround with a stainless pressel that has been imitated by many others. Following on from the success of the US81 the company has since focused heavily on pushbuttons and fixture products and now has a wide and very popular range of Braille and EN81-70 buttons. As well as having a significant presence in the lift industry, Dewhurst is also a major player in the keypad industry and supplies a wide range of keypad products for the ATM industry. Our manufacturing plant, located on the outskirts of London, is full of the latest machine tools, and as a company we invest heavily each year on new production equipment. Our Research and Development facilities are also located in the same building and we boast the latest Computer Aided Design equipment as well as test equipment such as shadowgraphs, endurance test equipment, environmental and dust chambers. The focus that we have on pushbutton and switches has ensured that we truly are specialists in this field with extensive knowledge of hertzian stress design, QTC switch technology, pushgate switch technology, membrane enhancements to name a few! We also have extensive knowledge of LED illumination, which is critical for the business that we are in. Dewhurst is an Investor in People company and we have a highly skilled workforce who are able to give the company a great deal of vertical integration. We are also accredited with ISO 9000/2000. Our aim at Dewhurst is ‘Fast and Fit’, we are keen to develop and supply our product ‘Fast’ as the industry we work in is constantly demanding shorter lead-time, as well as ‘Fit’, it is fundamental that the products we supply are ‘Fit’ for the job. Subsidiary Companies. Dewhurst have a number of subsidiary companies around the world. If you are located where we have a subsidiary, then please contact that company. If there is not a subsidiary, please contact us in the UK
Contact us
  • Inverness Road Hounslow TW3 3LT UK
  • t02086077300