HURON GRAFFENSTADEN French constructor of machining centres since 1857 The ALSACE region and the Alsatians are renowned for being dynamic, hospitable entrepreneurs who are not lacking in imagination or shy of hard work, a......HURON GRAFFENSTADEN French constructor of machining centres since 1857 The ALSACE region and the Alsatians are renowned for being dynamic, hospitable entrepreneurs who are not lacking in imagination or shy of hard work, and who are inhabited by a European and international vocation. It is therefore not by chance that big companies have chosen the Alsace region for the site of their factories and development centres. Citing just the electrical and mechanical engineering industries, the list includes The PEUGEOT Group, GENERAL MOTORS, MESSIER BUGATTI, SEW USOCOME, INA ROULEMENTS, TRUMPF, KUHN, SIEMENS, SONY, SHARP... HURON’s production plant and headquarters are just 10 minutes from Strasbourg international airport, 15 minutes from the TGV railway station and near to the A4 and E25 motorways. HURON GRAFFENSTADEN has been playing a major role in the European machine tools sector for several decades. The latest decades have been marked by the development and production of innovative machine tools which have forged the company’s reputation. HURON GRAFFENSTADEN Creator of machines tools The company’s strategy is clearly defined : To make innovative, high-technology, high-performance products available to firms working in the Mechanical Engineering Industries. Marketing oriented towards the needs of the Transport, Automotive, Aeronautics and intermediate goods sectors. Mastery and development of products in cooperation with its industrial partners based on the specifications of needs expressed by the market. A quest for excellence in the service guaranteed to customers by HURON teams and their business partners around the world. Continuous progression of the skills and expertise of the Company’s Technical, Industrial and Commercial staff. A COMPLETE RANGE OF INNOVATING PRODUCTS Centres dusinage et de fraisage HSM en 3 et 5 axes Fast, dynamic, powerful, accurate machines. Intelligent, conversational CNC systems for high-speed machining of complex surfaces and drilling, boring and tapping operations in all metallic and composite materials used in the mechanical engineering sectors.